Friday, April 27, 2012

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

Yush, which to you prefer/think makes them look better...etc.

Long (metal style) hair

Longish hair


or skinhead?

Most people say that girls who like guys with long hair are going through a "phase" of liking it, but I wanted more opinions.


Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

It really depends on the guy. Long, well-kept hair can be very sexy. But if it's damaged and not cared for, fugeddaboudit. Some men look great with shorter hair while others are best when bald.

**Don't base your hairstyle on what you think someone else will like. You're the one who has to wear it. Go with what makes you feel hot and confident!

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

Short hair

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

short hair is sexier

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

Longish hair...

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

I like about chin or shoulder length hair

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

longish, but not metal

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

i love guys with the skater typ of guy hir style slask emo hair is hot

so longish hair

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

Long hair

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

longish hair is awesome

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?


Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

hair abobe the ears, kinda long.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

short hair looks cleaner and makes the guy look smarter too

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

STFU mohawk noob, i meen, who has green mohawks unless ur a freak?

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

i think medium hair is attractive. but it also depends.....

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

It depends usually. I prefer short hair, but kind of long enough where it is raised off their head, almost cowlick status. But I do love a boy who can pull of that shaggy bed head look. Anything longer than a shaggy boy is out in my book. Leave the long hair to the ladies.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

I've been with my fiance for three years now. When we first were going out he didnt have it, but then he decided to grow it out and he looks really good with it tied back in a ponytail.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

IDK if this is long or short in your opinion but I like it around the ears.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

i like shaggy hair, emo/side fringe hair, short but not tooo short

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

I say mediumish...Like brushing the shoulders...(think Criss Angel's old hair cut lol) but I really really love when guys have the bangs that cover up one eye. But u might not...

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

well i'm not picky but i do like boys with longish hair cuz' i think its really cute on them

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

i've liked long-haired guys since i was in preschool xD

i like "longish" hair

but deffinately not past your chin/shoulder area like metal heads.

if my boyfriend had longer hair than me, i'd be grossed out.

skinhead is weird to.

short hair is sometimes fun.

but longish hair is my first preference.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

it depends... but ill go with longish hair

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

shoulder length i really like guys with shoulder length hair it is really cute but as you get older you should go with a short hair but with long bangs to the side that would look hot !!

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

no skinhead how gross no one wants to see that much of your big head !jk! i just don't like the look neither do my friends!

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

short hair ... a little shag is ok

but, long is soooo outdated and 80's ..

skin head YUCK,

longish is even yuckier (i know not a word) but, blah!

thats my personal opinion

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

I personally think that it depends on the guy. Like, long hair looks horrible on my husband, but I have a friend that looks hott with long hair. So it kinda just depends on the guy. And in my opinion it's not just a phase when a girl likes a guy with long hair. I have alot of friends that will ONLY date guys with long hair. They find it very sexy lol. Hope this helps a lil bit.

God Bless

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

short hair looks more clean and neat

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

I like longish hair. I don't think it's a phase unless 18 years is a phase.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

Long hair is great - he looks healthy if he can grow long hair.

I would never ever date a skinhead or a bald guy.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

Both. Grow your hair out really long and shave half of it. Then you have to shave one eyebrow, half of your beard, half of your chest, and so forth all the way down.

Girls: Long or short hair on guys?

long hair to run my fingers through and a big back tattoo now that is sexy.

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