Monday, May 7, 2012

How can a guy with short curly hair make it less curly or style it?

I am a young guy and i have short curly hair. I do not want really straight hair, but I just want less curls. Is their any Shampoos, Gels, Conditoners, or anything to help? Also,is there any good way i should style my hair?

(BTW, a straightner wouldnt work because my hair is short. or at least, it might not work.)

How can a guy with short curly hair make it less curly or style it?

I say buy a conair straightener, there not expensive and there pretty good quality. You can get one for $15. Try that, if it does't work then buy John Fredia, Pantene, or BedHead straighting serum,gel,or moose. When you get out of the shower put it in your wet hair and blow dry it. It should help. GOOD LUCK! =]

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