Monday, April 16, 2012

What Style Short Hair?

Ok well I have been relaxing %26amp; dying my hair every month and getting it cut about mid neck. I am hoping to get another hair cut a bit shorter then that, maybe just a tinsy bit below my chin. I want a hair style thats very feminine yet spunky but not 'emo kid' like.. Also, though I like the more older looks, I am only 15 (I look around 18) so it still needs to be young. OH and I like side swiped bangs, my hair is dyed redish purpley :). Any ideas of a style? Pictures would be most appreciated :).

What Style Short Hair?

i think hebe (taiwanese star) 's short hair is very cute.

What Style Short Hair?

It would help a lot if you gave a pic of what you look like, but try the posh or Rihanna. They're both really cute and edgy, but not emo.

What Style Short Hair?

i eventually want to get my hair dyed purplish and cut short like the following picture so i can cosplay the character (motoko from ghost in the shell) :

maybe you'll like it as well.

What Style Short Hair?

Try this Rihanna cut

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