Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Short hair...out of style?

Ok. I am in a state of regret. I recently cut my very long hair extremely short. I love how it looks, however, I don't think men will think it's sexy. (especially in a time where nearly everyone has longer hair) How do I stop worrying about what others think? Should i just pretend to be confident?

Short hair...out of style?

Be happy you don't have that long heavy hair on your head in the heat of summer! Short cuts are adorable, especially if you have the face for it. True, a lot of men like longer hair (mine is begging me to grow it back out...but eh, we'll see) but they're not so picky as to worry about your hair!

Short hair...out of style?

look at rihanna the singer and b confident. shes one of the hottest ladies now and she has the shortest style

Short hair...out of style?

GO to KMART, Grace bros.

Short hair...out of style?

enjoy your hair now it is, at least now you know that short is not a way you like to wear it. sometimes i worry after ive made a decision like that or changed something drastically, but you just have to be confident and find something you like about your new hair or think of things you can do with your new hair that you couldnt of done with your old hair

hope i helped!!

Short hair...out of style?

yes stop worrying, do you like it? it will grow back if you don't...

Short hair...out of style?

If you love how it looks, then it wont matter if anyone else thinks it looks good. You really shouldnt worry about what everyone else thinks, you will wear yourself out if you do that.

If you love how it looks, then confidence will exude from you because you will be rocking your style knowing you look good. So, no you wont have to feign confidence because if you feel good about it and makes you feel good then you are confident. And if you are confident, then men will find that (amongst other things) very attractive.

Plus, if you are in a room full of women with really long hair, you will be the one standing out getting all the attention.

But if you are really that hung up about it, then you could always get some extensions.

Short hair...out of style?

I think short hair is really hot on chicks.

Short hair...out of style?

NO, short hair is in fashion this summer not long hair, as far as what men think of short hair, david beckham likes it, so thats pretty good.

Short hair...out of style?

I spent years trying to deal with long, straight, blond hair. I could curl it (lots of hassle) or braid it (that got old). I finally cut it pretty much boy short and I love it. I've been doing this for years now and, frankly, if you don't like it, too bad -- lol. I think more people look good in short, styled hair than they do in long, just hangin' there hair. Be confident.... don't pretend.

P.S. The man I married met me when I had the long hair and started dating me after I cut it. Married 14 years now.

Short hair...out of style?

Short hair is definitely not out of style. Many celebrities have sported them recently, including Keira Knightley and (a little less recently) Mariska Hargitay. They carry them off with class, and so can you! In a Self magazine, I read that women with short hair are usually more confident than women with longer hair. If you think your cut looks good, that's all that matters. An attractive woman is an attractive woman, regardless of her hair length. And having short hair will not make you undesirable to men, unless they are extremely shallow. I have a chin length bob right now, and my boyfriend--usually an avowed devotee of long hair--loves it. Enjoy the fact that you don't have to worry about styling your long hair or keeping it off your neck. Hairstyle is the most reversible fashion change in the world: It'll grow back!

Short hair...out of style?

Short hair is gorgeous! It's so manageable %26amp; easy to care for. Who cares what men think?? What's important is your own opinion. Rock that short do.

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